venerdì 8 giugno 2012

Emma Bonino - Breslavia

Il ministro degli Esteri polacco Radoslaw Sikorski premia Emma Bonino

 "The Atlantic Council would be honored to pay tribute to your pioneering work as one of Europe's staunchest and most unapologetic human rights advocates. Never afraid to take a stand on delicate but important issues, you have been a trailblazer in defending civil liberties and fundamental freedoms in Europe and throughout the world. From your support of the creation of the International Criminal Court and other tribunals, to your work in establishing the Arab Democracy Foundation, you have championed the spread of freedom to those whose own governments had failed them. Whit this award, we wish to recognize your decades of service and in particular your efforts, early on, to elevate the dialogue on human rights in the
Middle East."

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